
After clicking on the product thumbnail, the item will open in the Edit Product Details page. All available information provided by the supplier will be automatically filled in for fields but can be updated.

At the top of this page, you can use the "Back to Product List " link to return to the Product List tab.

Which field(s) would you like to update?

Product Images

All supplier provided product images will be displayed in the Product Image section. Each image will be shown with a thumbnail and a small eye icon. The eye icon indicates whether the image will be displayed on the presentation. All uploaded images will be displayed as thumbnails in the Product Image section. You can use the show/hide link to select all images or no images to display in the presentation. You can also use the icon in the upper right corner of the thumbnail to select individual images to show or hide.

To reorganize how images are displayed in the customer facing presentation, click on the double lines under the image tile to drag and drop it to the desired location. Dragging and dropping will reorganize the product images in the Product Images section of the product page on the store.

Watch a quick video on setting visibility and reorganizing images

Can I create a virtual sample?

Yes, you can add create a virtual sample using any product image you'd like. For more information, please review the Virtual Sample article.

How do I add a custom image?

You can add a custom image by uploading it from your computer. To use an image from your computer, click on the Upload button at the bottom of the Product Image section.

Uploaded images should be:

  • Minimum of 110 pixels by 110 pixels
  • Under 2 MB in size
  • In a .jpeg, .jpg, .png or .gif format

Product Name and Description

Product Name is a required field, but the text can be updated. There is a maximum of 60 characters for this field.

Description is not a required field, and the text can be updated. You can use the Generate Description button to have AI craft an information blurb for you. There is a maximum of 850 characters for this field.

Product Variants

Product variants are the descriptive information about the product, such as color, size, material, and shape. All options provided by the supplier for each section will be shown as individual options. Use the checkbox next to an option to select whether to have it be visible on the presentation. Checked options will be displayed, unchecked options will not.

Imprint Options

If the supplier provides imprinting on an item, the Vendor Imprint Methods section will display the available options from the supplier. To include an additional imprint method on the presentation, check the option in the Other Imprint Methods area.

There are also fields available for imprint size, location, and colors.

Price Grid

Items cannot be saved or made live on an ESP+ Store without pricing information. If the supplier has provided pricing as "Quote Upon Request" (QUR), numeric pricing will need to be added.

  • One Price Grid

    If the supplier has provided a single price grid for all product variants, it will be listed in the Price Grid section.

  • Multiple Price Grids

    If the supplier has provided multiple price grids, each will be listed in the Price Grid area.

Click on the arrow to expand the grid and begin editing the information. Click on the Add a Custom Quantity link to add more price breaks. Pricing can also be updated by entering information in the Margin or Price areas.

Watch a quick video on adding a custom quantity and updating price info

You can select which quantities provided by the supplier you would like to have shown for this product. For example, if the supplier provided price breaks at 50, 100, 200, 300, and 500; but you only want to show your customer breaks at 200 and 500. To do this, either click on the eye icon for the price breaks you would like to hide; or, uncheck the visible checkbox at the top and then click on the eye icon for the 200 and 500 rows.

If the supplier provided a price includes statement, it will be automatically displayed in the Price Includes box. If desired, you can replace the existing text or add additional details.

Price Range

The Price Range will be generated from the lowest list price (usually for the highest quantity) to the highest list price (usually for the lowest quantity). If adjustments have been made to the list price information, the price range will reflect the modified pricing.

Client Discount Range

If the Client Discount has been activated, a flag reading "Discount Applied" will be displayed below the summary on the customer facing presentation.

When you are finished customizing the information for this product, click on the Save button at the top.

You can also click on the Preview button to open the product page in a new tab and review the product information as if you were a customer. The Cancel link will remove any changes you have made since the last time you saved changes.

Use the "Previous Product" and "Next Product" links to continue editing various products within the product list. Use the "Back to Product List " link to return to the Product List tab.